PagineCOPYRIGHT - di Caterina Buttitta


lunedì 8 luglio 2019


The Affair of the Mysterious Letter

Editore: Ace Books (18 giugno 2019) 
Lingua: Inglese
Copertina flessibile: 340 pagine  
ISBN-10: 0440001331 
ISBN-13: 978-0440001331
In this charming, witty, and weird fantasy novel, Alexis Hall pays homage to Sherlock Holmes with a new twist on those renowned characters.

Upon returning to the city of Khelathra-Ven after five years fighting a war in another universe, Captain John Wyndham finds himself looking for somewhere to live, and expediency forces him to take lodgings at 221b Martyrs Walk. His new housemate is Ms. Shaharazad Haas, a consulting sorceress of mercurial temperament and dark reputation.

When Ms. Haas is enlisted to solve a case of blackmail against one of her former lovers, Miss Eirene Viola, Captain Wyndham is drawn into a mystery that leads him from the salons of the literary set to the drowned back-alleys of Ven and even to a prison cell in lost Carcosa. Along the way he is beset by criminals, menaced by pirates, molested by vampires, almost devoured by mad gods, and called upon to punch a shark.

But the further the companions go in pursuit of the elusive blackmailer, the more impossible the case appears. Then again, in Khelathra-Ven reality is flexible, and the impossible is Ms. Haas' stock-in-trade.


This is a Sherlockian based tale set off planet and filled with magic, vampires, gods and limitless worlds. Come travel with John and Shaharzad Haas as they try to uncover a blackmailer.

Witches, underwater cities, shape-shifting, flying and more await you in this clever tale. I loved this female version of Sherlock. John Wyndham comes from a deeply religious planet and found after college he couldn’t quite move home. When he looks for housing on Khelathra-Ven, and answers an ad for a flatmate he finds himself at 221b Martyrs Walk.

A female sorcerer who uses prohibited magic when it suits her, annoys everyone and yet it seems everyone owes her a favor. Why John agrees to live with her, you must discover for yourself.

John narrates the entire story as he recounts the first case he works with her.  John’s mannerisms and upbringing offered humor as he relayed the outlandish behavior of the brilliant, opinionated and troublesome Haas.

Fans of diversity and LGBT storylines will appreciate the refreshing acceptance and characters found within.

The Affair of the Mysterious Letter was a fun re-imagining of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.
Questo è un racconto basato su Sherlock, partito dal pianeta e pieno di magia, 
vampiri, dei e mondi senza limiti. Vieni a viaggiare con John e Shaharzad Haas 
mentre cercano di scoprire un ricattatore.

Streghe, città sottomarine, mutaforma, volare e altro ti aspettano in questa storia
intelligente. Ho adorato questa versione femminile di Sherlock. John Wyndham proviene
da un pianeta profondamente religioso e, dopo il college, non è riuscito a trasferirsi
a casa. Quando cerca casa su Khelathra-Ven, e risponde a un annuncio per un 
coinquilino, si ritrova al 221b Martyrs Walk.

Una strega femmina che usa la magia proibita quando le va bene, infastidisce tutti 
eppure sembra che tutti le debbano un favore. Perché John accetta di vivere con lei, 4
devi scoprire da solo.

John racconta l'intera storia mentre racconta il primo caso in cui lavora con lei. 
I manierismi e l'educazione di John offrivano umorismo mentre trasmetteva il 
comportamento stravagante del brillante, oppresso e fastidioso Haas.

I fan della diversità e le trame LGBT apprezzeranno l'accoglienza e i personaggi che 
si trovano all'interno.

The Affair of the Mysterious Letter è stata una divertente rivisitazione di Sherlock 
Holmes e John Watson.

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